Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bonus Post :article about The Health Bill

Ok, before I can answer the questions in the bonus post I need couple more days just to understand the article! While reading the article I realize that I have a little bit a weak knowledge of American history, so I will take some time and will research few facts which were mentioned, like:

1) "The pretax incomes of the wealthy have soared since the late 1970s, while their tax rates have fallen more than rates for the middle class and poor." - Is it really?

2) "the age of Reagan."- What does that mean?

3) "The laissez-faire revolution that Mr. Reagan started did not cause these trends. But its policies — tax cuts, light regulation, a patchwork safety net — have contributed to them." - What are all those "policies"?

4)"what is the proper balance between the market and the government?" - Is there suppose to be a balance? What kind of balance is it?

Post #2: part of my draft

Personality tests were not designed to be used exclusively to answer a question “to hire or not to hire”. Reference checks, experience, education, and technical skills suppose to have influence on the final decision. Personality tests are just neutral, objective, assessments that identify your personal qualities or points of view on some (not all the time even work-related) questions. There is not such a thing as “pass” or “fail’ personality test. But in reality is it true? Barbara Ehrenreich in her book “Nickel and Dimed” gives an example of a “little survey” - personality test which she took in Wal-Mart, where she was assure that “there are no right or wrong answers…just whatever I think” and after computer gave her score she’d been told she “gotten three answers wrong – well, not exactly wrong but in need of further discussion”. So, do the employers really follow the rule do not make decision to hire or not based just on personality test?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I call my blog "No Time for Blog" because I have so minimum time for my homework, that to chat on The Mother Blog ( I mean The Squatting Toad blog which connects us all) is not an option for me. So, I am apologize to The Mother Blog's Creator, but I will do as minimum posts and comments as I can ( just enough to keep my image of a good student).
I work in average 5 nights a week from 8pm till 4:30am and I have school 4 days a week. Sometimes I do not sleep 24-30 hours on a row: classes at school, night shift, classes at school and only after that "bed-time".... But I am not complaining. That is something which I need to do if I want to achieve my goal: I want to be a doctor. I have two university degrees back in my home-country (I am in USA only 3 years), but they pretty much useless here, in America: first off all because my diplomas are from another country and USA is very picky about it; second of all - my diplomas are not related to a medical field. So, I need start from the beginning to make my way up.
As you might understand from my schedule I believe in hard work. If you will work hard and plan smart, show a little creativity - you will definitely achieve your goals!!! Or you can get lucky, win a lottery and also achieve your goals! Until that: work, plan, work, learn and work....